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7 Sagittarius New Moon Rituals to Nudge You Out of Your Comfort Zone


    The 2023 Sagittarius new moon vibes in the skies on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 (at 6:32 PM ET) to push you to think bigger. Choose one (or more!) of these Sagittarius new moon rituals to tap into this energy.

    Whichever Sagittarius new moon rituals you choose, this annual lunation is an optimal time for learning, adventure and speaking your mind. Remember, you don’t have to “do” everything all at once. The work you begin now at the Sagittarius new moon will see completion at the Sagittarius full moon in six months!

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    Sagittarius new moon rituals

    1. Reignite your sense of adventure

    Sagittarius is the zodiac’s global explorer, and this new moon reminds you of the fact that there’s a great big world waiting to be explored. Is there a county or country(!) that’s calling your name? Price plane tickets, read independent travel blogs and set up a special savings account to contribute to each week. If funds are available, the temptation to hit the “Reserve Now” button may be difficult to resist. 

    If global travel is on your holiday agenda, make sure your passport is up to date. You might even check out services like Home Exchange that facilitate a housing swap with someone living in the place you want to visit (and vice versa). PS: Mercury will turn retrograde one day after the new moon—good reason to triple check every booking!

    Still researching destinations? There’s no shortage of hashtags to help you preview the planet—and better still, find fellow journeyers who share your sensibilities. Connect to folks like you for exploring this not-so-lonely planet. Who knows? They might even answer a few of your pre-voyage questions if you “carpe DM” and message them.

    2. Reach out across “differences” and divides

    Running with a homogenous crowd? Ears ringing in that echo chamber? The moonbeams from global Sagittarius prompt you to be courageous and spark a conversation with someone outside of your usual circles.

    Togetherness takes the spotlight at a unifying Sagittarius new moon. Make a point of reaching across any self-imposed blocks or boundaries. Cultural sensitivity is important, so if you’re feeling concerned about saying the right or wrong thing, take the time to educate yourself. There are even free online classes like this collection that offer everything from inclusive leadership to unconscious bias.

    If you’re already a self-appointed ambassador, draw new people into the fold who might not be as experienced with mingling multiculturally. No matter where you find yourself near this new moon, this truth will be self-evident: People are people. And in these polarized times, we could all use a reminder of that. So mix up the usual suspects, tell your friends to bring their friends, and step out of your bubble—whatever it might look like from the inside.

    3. Become a media maven or mogul

    Sagittarius happens to be the sign that rules publishing, and this new moon calls the slumbering media-makers out of hiding. Nowadays, you don’t have to wait for a major house to offer a book deal to get your novels or manifestos in print. Print-on-demand is all the rage with services like or Kindle Direct Publishing.

    In entrepreneurial Sagittarius, this new moon also can open up new pathways to abundance. If you have something to sell, test market your wares. Closets overflowing from a former shopping addiction? Sell those still-in-the-box sneakers on Poshmark, Depop or eBay. In the words of unstoppably enterprising Archer Jay-Z, “I believe everyone in the world is born with genius-level talent. Apply yourself to whatever you’re genius at, and you can do anything in the world.”

    4. Free your hips!

    Sagittarius rules the hips, an area of the body that has NOT benefited from our sedentary culture. Stiff hips can increase the load on the spine, cause back pain and limit our overall range of motion. Yogis believe that the hips are the storage center for pent-up feelings about control. Freeing them can bring amazing release, both physically and emotionally. Sexual, creative and spiritual activity can also find more flow as we stretch out our hips.

    Need to bring back your sway and swagger? Stand up and do some hip circles—a belly dancing move that only involves planting your feet and rotating your hips in 360-degree arcs. Many believe that this movement gets you in touch with our wild, root-chakra energy and helps the kundalini life-force energy move upward, igniting divine inspiration. And if it doesn’t, most sedentary souls will still enjoy a good stretch—so no harm can come from trying! Shakira put it best, “hips don’t lie,” so get yours aligned and find your truth. 

    5. Let yourself be a little extra at the Sagittarius new moon

    Sagittarius is ruled by abundant Jupiter, the largest and most jovial planet in the solar system. It’s got its own moons twirling around it (80 of them!), a fitting picture for the larger-than-life energy of Sagittarius. Shed self-consciousness and push your limits, in the name of fun and fearless expression.

    The REAL party is not with the stiff, starched and socially graced small talkers nibbling holiday hors-d’oeuvres. Nope. It’s over there with the lady in wild patterns who leaps onto the empty dance floor and boogies to her own beat.

    A wise teacher once gave us some public speaking advice. We were nervous about coming on too strong and being “too much” for people. She advised this: Go ahead and BE too much. When you’re fully self-expressed, it creates a gap between you and other people, giving them something to rise up to. Sure, they might laugh or be shocked at first, but they’ll soon be inspired by your courage and authenticity. And they’ll feel permission to be themselves freely, too.

    6. Download your dose of daily wisdom

    Philosophical Sagittarius points its arrows at the highest principles, inviting us to explore wisdom (and wisdom traditions) from East to West, ancient to modern-day. This is the sign of the lifelong learner who pulls from many different sources to arrive at a universal “truth.”

    To elevate your consciousness at the Sagittarius new moon, rise above the drama of a moment.  Solutions won’t be uncovered in the usual places until this lunation. Dig into obscure philosophies, study the way our ancestors lived, reconnect to nature—which is outdoorsy Sagittarius’ playground. 

    Remember, you never know what form your “teacher” will take. This new moon reminds you that the low key woman driving your Lyft to the airport might be a quantum physicist raising money for her tuition. Or the guy mumbling to himself at the bus stop could be the messenger whose words are exactly what you were supposed to hear. Find your guides both in and out of the “temple”—or wherever it is you go looking. See the light of consciousness in every human. Better yet, be your own guru.

    7.  Make a time capsule (step-by-step instructions!)

    Can you live in the moment and capture its magic? Yes! This Sagittarius new moon ritual can help you do that.

    Even if it was a challenging year, undoubtedly there were shining moments. Visionary Sagittarius is the sign of possibilities, always thinking about what’s next. Still, this philosophical sign loves to reminisce about the good times and extract wisdom from life experiences.

    So, how can you live in the now and savor it? Preserve your best moments of the year in a time capsule. In doing so, you’ll be able to look back on and revel in the memories, which are sure to inspire you all over again.

    Decide when you want to open your time capsule: is it one year from now? Five? Ten? Then, choose an appropriate container, like a shoebox (for short-term capsules) or a stainless steel box (like ones for cash collection) for longer-term capsules. (Tip: we’ve seen steel boxes at thrift stores, so no need to make this an expensive activity by purchasing new).

    Gather materials to put into your time capsule, such as:

    • A current newspaper, magazine, or a print-out of a story from today that you read online
    • A list of popular words and expressions you’ve used this year (“mid” and “it’s giving” come to mind!)
    • Photos of friends and important people in your life, gatherings, selfies, etc.
    • A keepsake that embodies the year it is (Eras concert tour ticket or movie stub?)
    • Postcards or ads for things you like or purchased, pages from fashion magazines
    • A letter or memo to yourself: What would you like to tell your future self?
    • Wish lists. For example, a list of the places you’d like to travel to before you open your time capsule. (As manifestation mavens, we love this one!)

    Once you’ve filled your capsule, seal it and place it somewhere out of sight and reach, like a high shelf in a closet. Set a calendar reminder for the date you’d like to open up your time capsule. It should be a fascinating, future experience!

    Other, simple Sagittarius new moon ritual ideas to try

    • Pinpoint your next trip and research hotel stays and an explorer’s itinerary
    • Take a long drive or hike to enjoy nature’s beauty
    • Shop local to purchase gifts from independent makers (Sag rules entrepreneurship!)
    • Feel your fire: sit in a detoxifying sauna, or draw a bath with healing mustard salts)
    • Try a meditation that invokes the fire element (Sagittarius is a fire sign!)

    Photo credit: Juan Moyano via Stocksy

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    Source: Astrostyle

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